Keepin' Snacks 100® Guarantee

Your Pledge, Our Commitment

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

    If you're not fully satisfied with the taste of our 100-calorie snacks on your first purchase, we'll provide a full refund.

  • Fairness and Integrity

    This guarantee is valid for one refund per customer to ensure fairness and

  • Quality Feedback

    In the spirit of continuous improvement, we would ask you to provide specific feedback on the taste you experienced. Your insights are invaluable in helping us enhance our snacks.

  • Positive Partnership

    Together, we're creating a partnership built on trust and taste. Your commitment to sharing genuine feedback and collaborating with us in the spirit of improvement strengthens this partnership.

  • Collaboration

    We're dedicated to perfecting taste and invite your involvement. By embracing our 'Keepin' Snacks 100™' Guarantee, you pledge to
    collaborate with us in refining your ideas and addressing manufacturing
    insights. Your input shapes our snack excellence.